The Ram Chandra Series is a set of four books authored by Amish Tripathi, based on a fictional retelling of the Ramayana, the Indian epic story. The books follow the lives of Lord Rama, his beloved wife Sita, his brother Lakshman and finally the all-mighty king Ravana. The books are:
- Scion of Ikshvaku: The first book introduces Ram as the crown prince of Ayodhya, who is exiled for 14 years after a conspiracy by his stepmother Kaikeyi. He meets Sita, the princess of Mithila, and marries her after winning a contest. He also faces the threat of Raavan, the king of Lanka, who is plotting to conquer India.
- Sita: Warrior of Mithila: The second book tells the story of Sita, who is adopted by King Janak and raised as a warrior. She learns about her true identity and destiny as the next Vishnu, the preserver of the world. She joins Ram in his exile and helps him fight against Raavan's army.
- Raavan: Enemy of Aryavarta: The third book reveals the backstory of Raavan, who is born as a Naga, a cursed race of half-humans. He rises from being a pirate to the ruler of Lanka, and becomes obsessed with acquiring the secrets of the Vayuputras, the tribe of Lord Rudra, the previous Mahadev. He kidnaps Sita to lure Ram into a war.
- War of Lanka: The fourth book narrates the final battle between Ram and Raavan, in which Ram is aided by his allies, such as Hanuman, the leader of the Vanars, and Vibhishan, Raavan's brother. Ram also learns the truth about his lineage and the reason behind his exile. He faces a moral dilemma when he has to decide the fate of Sita, who has been accused of infidelity.
The series is characterized by a blend of mythology, history, philosophy, and contemporary issues. It explores the themes of dharma, karma, free will, and justice. It also challenges the conventional notions of good and evil, and presents a nuanced perspective on the characters and their motivations.